Our club season goes for around 16 games then if the player is good enough they will then be selected for Mid Canterbury which play around another 10-12 games,in this team there is a small match fee,travel over NZ,greater exsposer to rugby scouts & tv exsposer. As a club we would prefer players to be here by end of March 2017 at the latest.
We have a website
www.sporty.co.nz/southernrfc and our facebook page @southernrugbyfootballclubashburton.Please check these out and look at the section work and play for Southern,it has links to NZ immigration,information on the area and players testimonials.We have had players play for our club in recent years from Ireland,Wales,England,Scotland,Argentina,South Africa and Australia and some have gone on to play professional and international rugby back in there homelands.
Our senior coaches have played to a high amateur standard in NZ.
We are amateurs here and do it for the love of it.
The boys enjoy themselves off the field and are very social and tight bunch,having said that we are dedicated to getting results on the field and creating pathways to higher honors for our players.